Mae hi’n ddyddiau cynnar iawn ar Ymgyrch dros Ddemocratiaeth. Nid oes gennym unrhyw noddwyr mawr tu ôl i’r llenni nac unrhyw staff. Y cyfan ydyn ni yw grŵp o bobl gyffredin sydd am gael Cymru sy’n gweithio i bawb. Mi all gymryd ychydig o amser inni godi digon o arian i gyfieithu’r wefan gyfan i’r Gymraeg. Diolch ichi am eich amynedd.
It's clear that government isn't working and a lot of that has to do with some of the people we have in politics. That much is obvious. What isn't so obvious is that there's a lot of good people already in the political system. The problem is that there need to be more so how do we get them there?

Coming soon.
Those who worry about Direct Democracy often use two issues to illustrate their concerns, the Swiss ban on minarets and that Swiss women didn't get the vote until 1971. In this video we look at these issues.
It's all about economic growth, growth to pay for public services, increase wages and reduce the national debt, £2.8 thousand billion pounds worth of debt. In this video we look at how the introduction of the Swiss system of Direct Democracy will help us with the debt and economic growth.