Mae hi’n ddyddiau cynnar iawn ar Ymgyrch dros Ddemocratiaeth. Nid oes gennym unrhyw noddwyr mawr tu ôl i’r llenni nac unrhyw staff. Y cyfan ydyn ni yw grŵp o bobl gyffredin sydd am gael Cymru sy’n gweithio i bawb. Mi all gymryd ychydig o amser inni godi digon o arian i gyfieithu’r wefan gyfan i’r Gymraeg. Diolch ichi am eich amynedd.
In Switzerland any seven voters can submit a request for a referendum. They then have eighteen months in which to collect the signatures of 100,000 registered voters. If they succeed a referendum is held on their proposal but it's not that simple.
The Swiss have developed a set of rules that ensure direct and representative democracy are complementary.
To be effective direct democracy systems need to follow some simple rules.
All proposals must comply with human rights and equality legislation.
A significant number of signatures must be obtained from registered voters within a set time period.
In order to ensure the proposal is carefully considered these signatures should not be collected via the internet.
A time frame of around eighteen months should be set to allow proposers and opponents of the initiatives time to make their case.
Advice should be available to proposers to ensure their legislation is properly constructed.
Each initiative should deal with one subject.
Spending limits should be set on initiative campaigns.
Initiative campaigns must reveal the sources of their funding.
Proposers and opposers of initiatives should not be allowed to buy television or radio advertising.
Government should be allowed to put a counter proposal.
The people must have the right to stop government legislation using an initiative and referendum process before it comes into force.