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The four ideas that underpin Campaign for Democracy are,

  • Politics is the pursuit of power over others. Politics is inherently immoral.

  • An equality of power between people is a solid base on which successful societies can be built.

  • Most of us have much in common but we have differences. Both are the product of evolution and both have been essential for human success.

  • The only legitimate system of government is one in which the people are the sovereign power.

Politics is the pursuit of power over others.

Politics is often defined as the pursuit of power. We are so used to the system we have that even though we know it doesn't always work very well we accept it as normal. At CfD we redefined it by adding those two extra words, ' Over others'. When it's written in this way it becomes clear that no one should be pursuing power over anyone else. Politics as we know it is an immoral activity.

The logical and moral alternative is one of the key concepts at the heart of Campaign for Democracy, 'Equality of power'.

Equality of power

There are different forms of inequality, some matter, some don't. J.K.Rowling made a billion pounds from the Harry Potter books but we don't mind that, we can see a clear link between her work and the money she made but one that matters and is given little thought is inequality of power. They lead to disproportionate inequalities in income, housing, health, working conditions and these in turn lead to exclusion and alienation. This exclusion can be exploited by divisive leaders whose only interest is the pursuit of attention, money and power. In the worst cases this leads to violence and even war.

Politics, the pursuit of power over others is a poison in our world. The antidote is an equality of power between people.

The evolution of difference

If we are to solve the problems we face we need ideas to come forward from every part of the political spectrum, all of the time. Whatever the problem there's someone somewhere who's got the answer but if that answer doesn't fit the ideology of the current government then the problem doesn't get solved. That needs to change.

Most of us accept that there is no one set of ideas that can lead us to a sustainable and successful future. Our greatest strength is that people have a diversity of views but this didn't just happen by chance. Everything about us is a product of 250,000 years of human evolution and millions of years of pre-human evolution.

We are successful not in spite of our differences, but because of them.


The only legitimate form of government is one that has been given the explicit approval of the governed and one that the people of a state can change as and when they want it changed. Here in Wales, and the UK, the only choices we get are the ones the politicians give us. That's because we're not a free people, we're subjects. We're the subjects of our various Parliaments. They make the rules for us and they make the rules for themselves. The problem is every time we vote in a Senedd election we say to the politicians in Cardiff, it's OK, you carry on with what you're doing. Participation is consent.

We have withdrawn our consent. If politicians want our votes in those key seats we

want a transfer of power from politicians to people.

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