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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is behind this?

We are a group of ordinary people who believe the current political system fails to find solutions to our most pressing problems. We have no connections with any political party, political organisation or campaigning group. 

The views we share are that we could all benefit from this campaign and that any change must come about through democratic processes. When this is over we will have a vote that counts, and so will you.

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Why has this never been done before?

Everyone in Welsh and British politics knows just how important these few voters are in the key marginal seats and in the past some have tried to use that power. Unfortunately they tried to use it to impose their own agenda on the people of Wales and Britain, which is why they failed. Our approach is different. The only thing we impose on you is choice, we give you the opportunity to choose how we are governed.

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How will you get the support of the 7,000 floating voters in the marginal seats?

We will be doing carefully structured campaigns in each key marginal constituency using established campaigning techniques. We will also be using a social media campaign coordinated with more conventional methods.

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Who will be on the Commission?

The Constitutional Commission will be a committee of twelve people who serve a two and a half year term. Selection of the Commissioners would be by a combination of lot and election. We would use the existing 40 electoral constituencies as a starting point and two people would be selected by lot from each constituency. Those selected, the Jurors, would elect the twelve Commissioners from the eighty chosen by lot. The Commissioners would serve for a two and a half year term, after which time those Commissioners must retire. The Jurors would then select new Commissioners to serve for another two and a half year term. At the next Assembly election all Jurors must stand down and a new group of Jurors must be selected by lot.

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What will you do with the money you raise?

We'll use it to buy leaflets, news sheets and pay the other costs of running the campaign.

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This sounds like more government, do we really need it?

Think of the project as a way of getting rid of some of the government we've got!

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You seem to have a lot of trust in politicians, yet they are seen as one of the least trusted groups in society.

They are one of the least trusted groups, but when people are asked to rate the politicians they know, their MS or MP for example, as individuals they rate very highly. It seems that it is 'politics' that we don't trust, not politicians. It's the political system that we are going to change.

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What positions do you have on current political issues?

We don't take positions on political issues. We don't do positions, we don't do policy. That's the only way we will be able to unite people behind us. We are campaigning for the transfer of power, sovereignty to the people of Wales, no more, no less.



With this system wouldn't hanging be brought back?

There is no movement to bring back hanging in British politics, the media or any other area of British life. There is the occasional tabloid headline 'Bring back hanging' but this is always followed by the line 'says victims mother' or brother etc. The tabloids don't support it, they just exploit a personal tragedy with a dramatic headline to increase sales. Even if a campaign to bring back hanging started, a counter campaign would get off the ground very quickly. This would point out the numerous miscarriages of justice there have been in recent years, for example the Guildford four and most recently, Barry George. The film 'Let him have it' about a miscarriage of justice that led to a hanging would be shown at meetings around Britain. It is unlikely that a campaign to bring back hanging would get very far. There is also Article 2 of the European charter of fundamental rights that we have signed that would prevent the death penalty being reintroduced. Finally, Britain got rid of hanging in 1969 through Parliamentary processes. The Swiss abolished the death penalty in 1942.....with a referendum. Some Swiss Cantons abolished hanging as early as the 1860s and 1870s.

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I am a member of a political party, can I join the campaign?

Yes. We are a pressure group, not a political party and you are free to join the campaign. We will not ask you to collect pledges or campaign against your party. We hope you will encourage your fellow party members to join us. We welcome your support.

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behind this
never done before
How get support
Who on commission
What with money
More government?
Trust politicians
political positions
Party member
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